Gennifer Flowers
Gennifer Flowers continues to be an inspiration and role model to women and men alike.
Her highly motivational speeches are in demand from groups all over the world. From Oxford University, to established groups here at home such as the well-respected Learning Annex, Ms. Flowers is busy meeting and inspiring people year round.
Her two favorite speech topics are:
Surviving Sex, Power and Propaganda and
The “M” Years…Surviving Menopause Mania!
“Surviving Sex, Power and Propaganda”: This compelling oratory warns the masses not to be easily manipulated by political and everyday propaganda, and reminds women to appreciate and stimulate women’s rights.
Her talk entitled, “The ‘M’ Years…Surviving Menopause Mania!” is a humorously-presented speech about the experience of menopause, while giving very current and important medically documented information to women on how to get through these “M” years with the greatest of ease and dignity.
At the beginning, middle and end of each speech Ms. Flowers delivers, she serenades the group with beautiful music that truly inspires thought and inspiration within her audience.
Her unique style of delivery and her inclusion of songs and humor in all her talks, make Gennifer Flowers an outstanding favorite on the speaking circuit!
For further information about Gennifer’s public speaking engagements, or to book an engagement, please visit our Contact Us page.